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Q&A: Frank Lampen, Distill Ventures

Published:  03 February, 2020

The Diageo-funded, self-proclaimed ‘drinks accelerator’ Distill Ventures backed a winning horse when it helped launch Seedlip on to the market. Jo Gilbert finds out where they go from here, with Frank Lampen, co-founder and CEO, Distill Ventures


Gareth Bath joins Distill Ventures as European MD

Published:  23 January, 2020

Former Chapel Down and BrewDog MD Gareth Bath has joined independent drinks accelerator Distill Ventures as European MD.


Diageo acquires German aperitif Belsazar from Distill Ventures

Published:  15 March, 2018

Diageo has acquired premium aperitif Belsazar from Germany’s Black Forest for an undisclosed sum.